And its here....the moment of truth. After the straight awesomeness of Kamen Rider W, we are presented Kamen Rider OOO. From all the previews and what not, I think it will be a decent series. Its hard to watch any show after W, due to the fact it really came out of nowhere, and how everyone loved it. Well anyways, here is my review of the first Episode!
As the opening scene appears, we see two man dressed up in security outfits, who go into a room with many art attractions. They pretty much jizz in their pants of what they accomplished. The one seems nervous and tries to stay calm, but the other man reassures him that the part time security officer is sound asleep.

Immediately we are then taken to a single file of men with bike helmets on running. One man tosses each of them coins, as they put the coins into what looks like to be a vending machine. The vending machine turns into a bike called Rider Vendors.....original.
Anyways one of them arrives at the Greeds escape and have their bodies as coins. as the man on the first bike there shoots at them, with no damage. He retreats, as the other Rider Vendor team shoots at the building, trying to destroy them with it. EPIC FAIL.
They Greeeds turn into their kajins forms finally, and I must say. I dig it. The one though does look strongly like the Joker Undead, but we aren't worried about that right now. So any who, a man in a red suit starts to bake a birthday cake, and sings 'Happy Birthday' in complete English. As the Greeeds kick the Rider Vendor Team's assholes, he then ends with. "Happy Birthday Dear....Greeedo" Greeedo is how they pronounce it, bare with me.
And after all that happens, the same red coin as before hits the sleeping security officer in the face, waking him up. It is revealed to be none other then Hino Eiji. Our new Kamen Rider.....*sigh* Anyway he gets changed as part of the room he is sleeping in collapses, and he is seen in his 'pantsu' haha I am sorry, I had to.
He is interviewed by the Detectives....Detectives.... I MISS YOU W!!!!
So they ask for his address, but he says he doesn't live anywhere, and also mentions he just started the job this morning. He says he just needs money and a clean pair of pants, but his clean pair of pants happens to be burnt. He isn't too happy about that.
So we then meet up with Greeeds, as something is seemignly wrong with their bodies, it looks like they are discengrated sorta. They mention it is cause of the lost off their core medals but a Greeed name Ankh.
Back to Eiji, he is upset about the job and starts to flip the red coin he had found before. He walks until he sees a vending machine....the same one that turns into the Rider Vendor. Anyways, he drops the coin under the vending machine, he tries to get it, but it is too far under. He then tries to lift it, but can't kick it out. Then, a demonic hand seemingly goes under the vending machine trying to get the medal, but at this time, Eiji drops the vending machine, right on the demonic hand. Haha! That was funny.
A girl finally comes over to help Eiji, and she lifts it completely off the ground, Eiji in shock, says nothing is wrong. The girl. name Hina, sees the demonic hand and runs off. Eiji then sees the hand and waves his arms up, knocking the coin out of the demonic's hand. Eiji catches it, and runs off.
While all this is going on, the Joker like Greeed is in a jewelry store. He finds and old lady and pulls out a silver coin, inserting it in the back of her head. Gotta admit, that was cool. A white creature comes out, and the Greeed says that it is her desire, it seems that desire is a focal point involving the coins. The white kajin starts to eat jewelry, as it becomes coins. He then transforms into a mantis Greeed, and goes to find the core medal. As he leaves the shop, he runs into the two detectives again, as he finds the smell of a core medal, and the detectives follow him.
Eiji is then still seen running from the demonic hand, as the demonic hand says that it is his body in that coin. But quickly, they are interrupted by the Mantis Greeed, asking for the core medal. The Mantis Greeed reveals that the hand is actually Ankh, who took the core medals before. The Mantis Greeed starts to fight Ankh, and easily does. Eiji seems upset, insisitng that it was too much. The detectives arrive, as the Mantis Greeed swerves their car into another, knocking both detectives out cold. Eiji takes the detective's gun, and shoots at the Greeed, to distract him from Ankh. The Mantis Greeed strikes at Eiji, as Ankh flies over to him and catches him. He says that Eiji has, "Touched his heart" and gives him the OOO Driver.
Quick note here, I like how Toei is have the driver be put on the waist, with the strap wrapping itself around the Rider. Happened since Decade, can't say I am not digging it!
Ankh reveals two more coins, and says that if Eiji inserts them, he can gain power to defeat the Greeed. Eiji accepts, as he says if it helps people, he will fight.
Quick note here again.......I like Eiji. Especailly after that. I got a Godai feel out of that. Good choice on this one Toei!
Eiji inserts the coins as he swipes the round thing and becames OOO.....but not after the song! And you know didn't bother me! Really didn't I thought it was cool. And it was kinda cool when Eiji goes, "What was that song?" Ankh quickly comes over, "Don't worry about the song!" Haha, all Toku fans rolled on the floor on that one. He then fights the Mantis Greed and does a good job, but starts to lose. Ankh comes and gives Eiji a 4th medal telling him to put it in the middle. The Mantis Greeed runs at Eiji, but without looking at him, kicks the Greeed away while he stares at the coin. Once again, awesome!
Eiji gains a new form, and defeats the Mantis Greed. Eiji then sees the phone of the one detective ringing, as he runs over to help him, but Ankh attaches his arm to the detective, as he finds the 'perfect body'. But we also see that the person calling the detective was his sister....Hina! The woman who helped Eiji and the vending machine.

And that's the story! Oh, and one of the Rider Vendor team members opens a can of soda....and it turns into a bird. Weird.....

Here is Kamen Rider OOO: Episode 1 Subbed!
Part 1
Part 2